August 24, 2009

Work day

Today was a work day. Not the kind where I get to go into the office where it's air conditioned and comfortable, but the kind where you sweat and lift and pull things. We have been planning to clean up certain areas of our yard (I hate to admit it) since spring. Well today was finally the day what with fall just around the corner. We dragged old lumber, plywood, steel bars, old tires and all kinds of other miscellaneous items into our pickup truck and drove them to the dump. The dump is a little ways away from us, so I had to drive carefully as to not have stuff flying out of the truck and possibly hitting someone behind us!

Now the dump is a whole story in its self. I can't imagine doing what those guys do there, sorting through all that smelly awful stuff and putting it into piles.

Yuck! But I am very grateful they were there to take it, because all we had to do (besides pay for it) was throw it out of the back of the truck and we were done. Goodbye old stuff, hello clean yard. I'd certainly love something like this!

But we would have to rebuild our house. Well at least we have started and tomorrow we will make a run to Goodwill. My son and daughter-in-law live next door to us, and we tried to have a garage sale a couple of weekends ago and can you believe it, WE SOLD NOTHING! We had good stuff too, like lots of baby equipment and clothing. But nothing sold and hardly anyone even came by. I hate having garage sales, I had one a few years ago and it was the same way. Even Craig's List doesn't work for me. I know, you are probablly thinking I must have crummy stuff, but I don't. It was all very good, like a double stroller and 2 highchairs and 2 play n packs and 2 bouncy chairs all in great condition. I bet you are wondering why I have two of most everything - well I have two granddaugthers (I know you think I'm too young to have grandchildren) that were born just 5 weeks apart and I have been the babysitter during work days since they were 2 weeks old. When they both were crying at the same time, I used to put on a back pack with one girl in it and a front pack with the other in it. They are 4 now and I couldn't do it today if I had too, but 4 years ago I could and enjoyed every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. your blog is so cool! i love reading about people lives, i hope you have already rested from that chore. please visit my blog, too, thanks!
